Financial Services
How we support our clients
Working alongside CEOs, we are committed to ensuring that their companies gain in their ability to anticipate and adapt, while preserving and developing their distinctive strengths. Our ambition is to work with management committees to shape the changes underway, while reflecting on the strategy and its execution, the ways and the means, and making employees key players in the transformation. We address a wide range of topics: strategy and growth, competitiveness and operational performance, management and human resources, strategy and digital acceleration - with original approaches, the fruit of nearly 20 years of innovation, whose objective is sustainable performance.
Through our locations, there are 150 consultants in Europe who operate all over the world, in the service and finance sectors: banking, insurance, investment funds, energy & utilities, real estate, media, telecoms, leisure, tourism and catering.
Banking institutions are at the heart of the economy. Against the backdrop of a major societal disruption, they are having to overhaul their business model, particularly in the face of the rise of new players such as GAFAs, FinTechs or other business sectors (telecommunications, distribution, etc.). . This far-reaching transformation affects the company's portfolio of activities, business lines, internal organization and a managerial culture originally balanced between risk management and innovation.
Our know-how enables us to support both bank top management and new entrants, in the definition of business models that must meet the challenges not only of customer experience in an increasingly digital environment, but of maintaining financial performance.
Our know-how allows us to support both the general management of banks and new players, in the definition of economic models that must meet the challenges, not only of the customer experience in an increasingly digital environment, but also preservation of financial performance.

84% of French people say that the banking industry is a strategic sector for the French economy
(IFOP FBF survey – 2018)
Our expertise
Essential cog in the economy, the bank is under pressure
Our projects with banks
Alongside managers, we are committed to ensuring that their companies gain in ability to anticipate and adapt while preserving/developing their distinctive strengths. Our ambition is to work with the management committees to give meaning to the changes underway, at the same time to think about the strategy and its execution, the target and the path, by making employees actors in the transformation. We deal with a wide range of subjects: strategy and growth, competitiveness and performance of operations, management and human resources, strategy and digital acceleration – with original approaches, the fruit of nearly 20 years of innovation, whose objective is performance sustainable.
Controlling combined ratios, prudential changes, individual performance, new digital practices, new product launches... Insurers have always had to evolve. So, nothing new under the sun?
Nothing new, perhaps, but the conditions of working in the insurance industry are changing significantly due to market reconfiguration, which is inevitable and whose pace remains uncertain, and a rare and expensive resource: employees!
Rare, because finding employees who are customer-focused, digital, cooperative and performance-oriented is a challenge.
Expensive, because the arrival of digital competition can reinvent the rules of the game without the constraints of the past.
When combined with the company's strategy, each employee's potential for transformation will enable us to get out of the rut.

Insurer employees: how much intelligence to showcase!
Succeeding in uncertainty… thanks to the right performance ingredients
Our projects with insurers
Making this promise a reality in corporate cultures unaccustomed to change and uncertainty. By blending our expertise in transformation processes, a fresh perspective on management and our knowledge of insurance markets, we believe that anything is possible. Since our creation, we have embodied this promise in all the key areas that shape the insurance industry, a sector that changes every day!
Building a 50/50 partnership between two leaders in group pensions
How do you create a successful strategic partnership between two leaders with nothing in common? By building an unrivalled value proposition, devising tailor-made governance structures, leveraging complementary strengths, federating business teams and communities... and always staying the course!
Leading a lean approach to an insurer's branch network
Since 2011, the insurer has included in its objectives to immerse itself in the lean culture. Following a reorganization program, the Networks Department in turn adopted this approach with a double challenge.
The new economy – digital, knowledge – is transforming service companies in depth. Platform companies, artificial intelligence, PACTE law and CSR, revolution in customer relationship, agile marketing… there are so many opportunities to rethink business models and ways of doing things, based on the specific challenges of each sector
Creation of a retail bank
Kea supported this investment bank in the creation of its retail bank in order to reduce the risk of the group's profitability, by diversifying its business portfolio. In close collaboration with top management, the model of the future bank was defined, drawing inspiration from benchmarking studies, competition and customer trends. A business plan was built to determine the return on investment, the basis of a presentation to the directors' board to take this rightful decision.
Business framing of an international CRM tool
Kea supported this consumer credit subsidiary in the framing of business needs in the use of a customer relationship management tool and more particularly in marketing activities (campaigns and commercial activities), to deploy a single tool in more than ten countries with different economic contexts and business challenges.