Kea, social actor
This is part of our original project and moving from business to mission 20 years later was a natural step in our journey as committed and responsible consultants.
We have created a work environment conducive to the development of our employees, respecting each personality and adapting our operating methods to limit our impact on the environment.
Our premises have a soul. They reflect our identity and our values – transparency, diversity and cooperation – while meeting the practical needs of all.

150 passionate consultants
Evidence of our commitment
Living well at Kea
What does it mean to be an actor in society? Society is only the sum of the individuals who compose it, of their intentions, of their actions. To be an actor in society for Kea is therefore to promote the development of people but also to allow the ideas, the convictions that we hold to contribute to a more harmonious development of this society and to work for its sustainability.
The transmission
The sustainability of a company like ours is ensured by the transmission :
… capital : it is thanks to the construction of a partnership that the sharing of the value created is ensured and that the transition of capital from the oldest to the youngest takes place,
… know-how : it is realized through our practice of companionship,
… of the goodwill : this is the key to our development. We pool our capital of relationships and the youngest learn very early on how to build their network.
Gender Parity Index: Kea leads the strategy consulting sector
At the end of February 2020, we unveiled our professional gender equality index for the first time, in accordance with the new law in force. An issue that must challenge the entire profession even though the sector remained below the national average and worse regressed.
With an index of 95/100 for its first edition, Kea positioned itself well above the national average (83 for companies between 50 and 250 employees, 85 for those with more than 1,000 employees) and first place in the Consultor ranking for the strategy consulting sector. Such a score reflects our DNA and our vision of the company, where men and women are at the heart of value creation. Learn more about our score of the year .
do our part
Like the hummingbird in the fable, we have done our part, on our scale, small steps by small steps. Gradually, this state of mind turned into convictions unalterable and then in collective and individual commitments. Solidarity Christmas, solidarity Keanniversary, team of juniors at the helm of sharing sessions and in support of personal initiatives...
While our current model of society is clearly showing its limits, it has become clear that we had to contribute at our level to the long transformation that is looming across the business world.
Certified B Corp
One year after becoming a Mission Enterprise, Kea & Partners was certified B-Corp, a complementary although independent action, and a further step in support of its mission “to undertake transformations for a desirable economy”.
Being labeled B Corp means satisfying one of the most demanding labels in the world, measuring the social and environmental performance of a company and attesting to the excellence of its practices in 5 areas: Governance / Employees / Community / Environment / Customers. By confronting the highest standards of the market in a virtuous learning loop, Kea places the issues of responsibility at the heart of the firm's life and its vision of the consulting profession. In doing so, Kea joins an open community of committed companies (La Camif, Nature & Découvertes, Les Deux Vaches, Vega, Patagonia, Innocent, etc.).

Since the creation of Kea, we have developed a body of approaches and methods – the art of transformation according to Kea – placing people at the heart of value creation, taking great care of all stakeholders and seeking when necessary to limit social damage as much as possible.
In fact, this quickly led us to integrate CSR issues into our consulting practice. Since 2009, we have published and organized debates on the subject.
Our commitments in this area ? The kids talk about it the best!

1st European strategy consulting firm Business at Mission
We question ourselves and provide answers to managers in order to initiate the transformation into responsibility of their company:
How, in a context of scarcity and rising raw material costs, can you be sure that the company will cover its needs?
How to ensure that the know-how, skills and means of production that the company needs throughout its value chain will continue?
How to control the impacts of the company's activity on the environment when it is deteriorating, directly or indirectly leading to significant consequences for human beings?
How can we attract and keep the men and women who are essential to the company by best meeting their development aspirations?
How can the company be harmoniously integrated into the societies in contact with which it develops its activity?
Today, we want to accelerate the transformation into responsibility : ours and that of our customers. This is our commitment as strategy consultants . This transformation, however ambitious and difficult it may be, we believe it is desirable for people, society and for our companies themselves. Which obviously have a major role to play ! Growth is no longer the alpha and omega of value creation. For several years now, our transformation corpus has evolved in this direction, moving from the question of "how?" » to the questions of « what ? " and " Why ? ".
Taking this course means working for the development of both companies and their employees, while respecting natural balances. It means thinking differently about ways to transform in order to build economic models adapted to the challenges of the 21st century.
It is therefore quite natural that Kea supported the Pacte bill , aimed at putting the company and its employees on the path of continuous progress, which - major innovation - is neither a norm nor an obligation but an incentive law that respects the intelligence of leaders and gives them the opportunity to move forward at the pace of their organizations, to the best of what they can do, to their best efforts . A law that is part of a dynamic of modernization of economic life and business, recognizing the vocation of the latter beyond its role as an actor.
CO-Conseil , a non-profit advisory cooperative, was created in 2014 under the impetus of Syntec Conseil and on the initiative of 4 founding firms, of which Kea is a member. With the ambition of increasing their impact on society and providing effective support for projects of general interest.
CO consultants are experienced consultants, seconded from the founding firms for several months. They put their expertise, methods and strategy & transformation tools at the service of project leaders, such as the winners of the national competition for La France s'Engage Foundation. The Presidency of CO is entrusted in turn to the presidents of the four founding firms. It was in 2019 that Arnaud Gangloff, Chairman of Kea & Partners, took over responsibility.

Kea is strongly committed to this through CO, a non-profit firm, and its skills sponsorship policy
3/ At the service of the social and solidarity economy
Co, strategy consulting firm dedicated to supporting projects of general interest
Skills sponsorship policy
We mobilize our skills and our energy at the service of associations working on causes that contribute to the improvement of society: help with employment, entrepreneurship and also human development.
We also aim to provide Kea & Partners consultants who so wish with experiences, outside of their projects in companies, which will enrich their vision, their reflections and their points of view on their profession.
We intervene for associations with multiple vocations, in the field of social entrepreneurship:
Acta Vista - Agrisud International - Ashoka - Abbé Pierre Foundation - PlaNet Guarantee
In the field of employment and professional integration:
ADIE - Commitment Institute - SNC Solidarités Nouvelles facing Unemployment
In the field of CSR in the broad sense:
Humanitarian action :
For several years, Kea & Partners and Co Conseil have been committed alongside Make.Org in support of the great national cause "Acting to Eat Better". Driven by record mobilization (460,000 participants / 1.26M votes / 8,130 proposals, mobilization record broken!), this citizen consultation made it possible to draw up an ambitious action plan from civil society, with the support of our teams.
Unveiled at the International Agricultural Show, it includes 8 concrete actions with a strong national impact (National Day of Agricultural and Food Heritage, Agricultural Youth Mission, Agri'Don, Local Sales Platform, Less Plastic Collective, Easy Bulk, etc.) to ensure accessible, healthy and balanced food for all, respectful of the environment and preserving the sustainability of our agricultural sectors.

Eat better, 8 concrete actions with strong national impact
Provide access to healthcare for all, particularly in Africa and Asia
In order to provide an innovative response to laboratories, we supported the incubation of Tech Care for All , a social & solidarity economy start-up, created by Emmanuel Blin and of which we are co-founders. Our ambition : transforming access to care for patients in Africa and Asia in a sustainable way through the deployment of digital health technologies.
To this end, TC4A builds and markets a portfolio of e-health solutions that have proven themselves in Western countries or develops new solutions on its own, and ensures their deployment by relying on networks of local entrepreneurs as well as than on major donors present in Africa and India.
Acting in solidarity in times of crisis
In support of the national collective and united momentum, Kea & Partners and Co Conseil have contributed to the implementation of the Civic Reserve , a national platform in favor of the action of associations in the fight against the coronavirus. A way for us to respond to the many challenges raised by the health crisis by taking part in it at our level.
CO has thus carried out more than 80 projects of general interest aimed at providing responses to the challenges of employment, precariousness, health prevention, disability, international solidarity, etc.