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Innovation & Prospective

How we support our clients

Hybriding is at the core of our consulting practice. And to innovate, what better than Kéa and Tilt ideas, a strategic innovation consultancy and troublemaker of the Kéa Group.

What noise does an idea make when it slips out of your mind, turns your beliefs upside down, stirs your senses, and makes the tips of your toes quiver? "Tilts" of course!

High-impact business visions are always born from an inspired vision of the future. That is why we help our clients to project themselves, to open up the field of the (im)possible, to imagine the future of their markets as close as possible to their goals, to inspire approaches, to invent new positions. Then we engage them in a bold and creative exercise to redraw the contours of their strategy and their brands, placing a bet on the future and guiding them on a journey of rigorous and actionable choices. Finally, we help them conceive, design, test, and then launch new products and services.

Open the field of (im)possibles!

Our  know how


Reinventing strategy through foresight

Creating value for the customer (renewing its offer), creating value for the brand (developing its uniqueness), optimizing value capture (redesigning its value chain) or even disrupting before being disrupted (anticipating market ruptures), innovation is many-sided and can serve many strategic objectives : a playground to frame to make innovation more effective!

Tilt is an iconoclastic and exciting consultancy that draws on three areas of expertise - foresight, brand and innovation - and alternates "in room" and "collective" methods to breathe new life into business strategies and translate them into concrete applications. Together, we advise senior management to build the future they want and make foresight and innovation the drivers of their company's raison d'être by addressing 4 key areas:

    The creative & innovative strategy: reinventing their strategy through innovation, imagining new brand positioning and the products and services that will embody it, helping to bring new projects, ideas, initiatives into the world... and also clarifying trends and new uses.

    The culture of innovation: cultivating an internal culture conducive to innovation to unleash all the potential

  • Innovation systems: creating the most efficient systems for innovation, designing processes adapted to the internal innovation culture and to customer challenges (from test sandboxes to innovation departments and functions).

  • Deployment of innovation: overseeing the launch of innovative projects, deploying them at scale, helping to reduce time-to-market through rapid prototyping.


Innovation for Good is Kéa's counterpart at Tilt to responsible transformation: a daily driver to generate innovation with positive impact and to think about a desirable sustainable future.

Our innovative strategy projects

We are at the side of our clients at every stage of the process, in accordance with their needs:

  • The inspiration to give material to create the spark and decenter, through inspiring prospective methods, a new eye © diagnosis of the organization, a mapping of the intangible assets.

  • The aspiration to stimulate the conditions for creativity, through a strategic planning scenario exercise to imagine the future.

  • The desire to choose the winning strategy and drive change through scenario convergence and translation into a clear strategic trajectory.

Co-constructing with our clients, we also help them to design, prototype and test new growth drivers.

Design of strategic plan for a wine interprofessional actor

Kéa & Tilt has contributed to the expression of a new ambition to develop the position of the sector's wines in the world and its declination (products, markets, value creation), winning the support of professionals and generating a collective dynamic for its implementation: 40 permanent professionals involved, 80 key players, 7,000 companies invited through a collaborative platform.

Defining the innovation strategy of a pharmaceutical laboratory

We helped to define an innovation strategy to contribute to the management of innovative projects and the entrepreneurial spirit of a subsidiary: characterization of the innovation culture, 5-year vision scenarios, training of employees and transition to POC mode.

Innovation is not a cookie-cutter process. It has to feed on the corporate culture and adapt to the employees. Above all, it is a question of the overall coherence of the system. Through its Innotype® tool, Tilt carries out a diagnosis to understand the current innovation system and the aspirations for tomorrow in order to develop it. By observing 6 areas: strategy, culture, governance, structure and organization, tools, knowledge management. On the basis of this diagnosis, the teams work with clients to set up the signs, standards and practices to transform behaviors in depth, create ad hoc empowerment programs in relation to the needs of cultural transformation and measure their impact over time, and help them move from idea to action.

Unleash the potentials!


Cultivate innovation while respecting the company's DNA

​Our cultural transformation projects around innovation

Creating an "Innovation Day" for a player in the spirits industry

Kéa Tilt teams worked to organize a day of mobilization around innovation - around 3 main themes: CSR, data, disruptive innovation - to create an electric shock and make teams want to act. More than 60 ideas shared and grouped into 24 clusters, 6 in-depth ideas presented during the session, 68 engaged employees.

Structuring an airline service academy

We have contributed to anchoring the company's service signature and customer culture by working on 3 axes: strengthening the "service signature", differentiation in the airline market, developing the culture of innovation in customer relations within the teams through prospective observatories, analysis of existing reference structures and the creation of an academy.

An innovation system is designed around a culture, themes, DNA and specific orientations. From test sandboxes to innovation departments and functions, we work with our clients to design the right tools and processes. Because innovation does not happen alone, we build and manage an ecosystem of tailored partners. We serve our clients' growth strategy while orchestrating innovative projects and systems in their early stages.

​Innovate internally… and with others  !


Create the most efficient devices to innovate

Our innovation systems design projects

Design & implementation of an open innovation system for a group of products in the beauty and personal care sector

We helped to create a sustainable "capability" of adjacent and disruptive innovation for part of the Group, while initiating a transformation of the culture of innovation: identification of talent populations and pools, design and detailed prototyping of engagement systems, pilot deployment of certain systems, and integration with the Group's innovation system.

Building a luxury company's ad hoc innovation device

Kéa & Tilt helped set up an innovation structure adapted to the organization and its challenges: framing of expectations and inspiration, system design (organization, governance, strategic and decision-making processes), operationalization and transfer (constitution of the ecosystem, design of the monitoring system, selection, launch and PMO of the first projects, recruitment and onboarding of the team).

Impulse, launch, handling and methods, industrialization... the deployment of an innovation is not left to chance. Through rapid prototyping, we oversee the launch of our clients' innovation projects and accelerate their time-to-market. We also support the take-over of innovation projects by teams by promoting methods, attitudes and reflexes conducive to change through agile methods. Finally, we rely on our clients' organization and ecosystem to scale up their projects and prepare them for industrialization.

… while reducing time-to-market  !


Successfully implementing innovations in the markets

Our innovation deployment projects

Developing a new beverage for an agri-food company

Kéa & Tilt has accompanied the development from scratch of a brand new drink launched on the UK market through an accelerated process (3 months): starting from 12 scenarios, we co-designed 2 MVPs (brand, formulation, storytelling...) with consumers through 3 iterative loops.

Strengthening the innovation process of an energy research company

Kéa &Tilt worked on the project portfolio by working on the entire cycle from monitoring to project selection, going through the idea generation phase, while including a prospective phase upstream of this idea generation to develop the research program.

L'AMPLI, sharing time to innovate

Because innovation is a state of mind that needs to be cultivated and stimulated, the Kéa Group has created L'AMPLI, a collaborative space within its premises, coupled with an extended consulting system. Able to accommodate up to 60 people, L'AMPLI adapts to the raison d'être of each collective highlight: Vision / Strategy / Innovation / Commitment / Setting in motion / Team building...

  • 1 auditorium, 6 rooms, 1 catering area, 1 technical control room, 1 staircase of curiosities, 1 piano

  •  Modular spaces & experiential course - plenary, workshops, lounges...

  • Over several days, by the day, half day or even evening

L'AMPLI is the embodiment of the ambition we have for our clients to support their transformations with ever greater impact.

TEDxDantonStreet or the power of imagination

Kéa & Tilt are at the initiative of TEDxDantonStreet, a morning that is 100% in the spirit of TED "ideas worth spreading to change the world". 8 stories, 8 personalities brought together with a declared ambition: to renew the discourse on innovation, beyond ready-made recipes and imagine new ways, beyond the beaten or even hackneyed paths!

Teacher-researchers, lab directors, incubator managers, psychiatrists... gathered to talk about creation, leadership, urban incubation, hacking & technologies, start-ups & dinosaurs, frugality, psychology and much more, with imagination as the common thread. Grain to grind, not necessarily there, right now, but which will germinate tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, by colliding with other ideas.


Awaken imaginations

Your innovation device

See you there




L'avantage temporel - Episode 1 : Penser long terme, une stratégie gagnante



Et si nous devions aider l’IA générative, cet adolescent intelligent, mais sans expérience ?



Brand’Gagement : l’engagement comme condition des marques durables


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