New ways of working
Facilitate work (re)design
Jerome Julia, Thibaut Cournarie & Xavier Cabot
Work is changing and 2020 will be the year of acceleration. To understand and decisively grasp the issue, a reading grid and multidisciplinary know-how are needed, as well as a good dose of experimentation...
An unprecedented shock! The health and economic crisis associated with the Covid-19 pandemic has immediate and spectacular consequences, including at the political and social levels. In the company, it's time for a first post-lockdown assessment and action plans to adapt, to preserve what must be and to imagine the future despite the uncertainties. Working practices in the professional world are not exempt from this imposed overhaul.
Although the extent of the coming restructuring and the sustainability of certain changes, such as teleworking, are still unknown, the movement is irreversible and business leaders are preparing for the future. All companies are concerned, and many managers of French groups have set dates at the end of 2020 for unprecedented negotiations with the unions.
To reinvent and re-enchant work 200 years after the first industrial revolution, the field is immense: remote work, flexibility of rhythms, coworking in third places, reconfiguration of offices, digitalization of processes, advent of "worktech", demand of good to be...
So how do we go about it? What is the scope to fully understand these changes in work? How do you distinguish serious trends from fads, announcements or one-off effects? Where to start?
With 20 years of experience in the strategic, organizational, technological and cultural transformation of companies, we are convinced that dealing with "New Ways of Working" requires 5 ingredients: method, consistency, dialogue, imagination and courage.
Given the range of possibilities, we facilitate these transformations without distorting the collective and informal qualities of work. More than the sum of individual "jobs", work generates intangible assets of social bonds, collective efficiency and knowledge that are highly distinctive to each company and contribute to its performance.

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