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Responsible transformation

Behind the question of "how?"  which has prevailed over the past few decades within companies, the question of "for what?" appears more clearly today. Growing, producing, getting rich, all of this remains fundamental, but what for? What is the business for? On the other hand, what responsibilities do they have?

How we support our clients

The portrait of the responsible company, more respectful towards society and the biosphere, is taking shape, whether at the level of the manager, the investor, the employee or the customer. Taking this course means working for the development of both our companies and their employees, while respecting natural balances. It means thinking differently about the ways of transforming in order to project ourselves into  a sustainable future with sustainable economic models (to discover here).

​Without naivety or presumption, such a transformation into responsibility is an opportunity to build a company better anchored in our century, distinct from the ultra-liberal model and the forms of authoritarian capitalism that are emerging in certain regions of the world. Nothing is more powerful, the saying goes, than an idea whose time has come!

How we support our clients

The portrait of the responsible company, more respectful towards society and the biosphere, is taking shape, whether at the level of the manager, the investor, the employee or the customer. Taking this course means working for the development of both our companies and their employees, while respecting natural balances. It means thinking differently about the ways of transforming in order to project ourselves into  a sustainable future with sustainable economic models (to discover here).

Expertise et expérience du DG

  • Intuitions issues du vécu, "dans la peau du DG"

  • Relation de pair à pair / miroir

  • Partage de la vision du risque financier et managérial 

  • Organisation de la prise de décision : sollicitation du COMEX, embarquement managérial

Approche systémique et méthodologies du Senior Partner conseil

  • Capacité à structurer et piloter des deep-dives pour objectiver les intuitions managériales : benchmark, analyse stratégique...

  • Vision économique et sociétale de l'entreprise

  • Capacité de mettre à disposition des méthodologies et outils au service de la stratégie


How we support our clients

​Without naivety or presumption, such a transformation into responsibility is an opportunity to build a company better anchored in our century, distinct from the ultra-liberal model and the forms of authoritarian capitalism that are emerging in certain regions of the world. Nothing is more powerful, the saying goes, than an idea whose time has come!

How we support our clients

The portrait of the responsible company, more respectful towards society and the biosphere, is taking shape, whether at the level of the manager, the investor, the employee or the customer. Taking this course means working for the development of both our companies and their employees, while respecting natural balances. It means thinking differently about the ways of transforming in order to project ourselves into  a sustainable future with sustainable economic models (to discover here).

How we support our clients

The portrait of the responsible company, more respectful towards society and the biosphere, is taking shape, whether at the level of the manager, the investor, the employee or the customer. Taking this course means working for the development of both our companies and their employees, while respecting natural balances. It means thinking differently about the ways of transforming in order to project ourselves into  a sustainable future with sustainable economic models (to discover here).

How we support our clients

The portrait of the responsible company, more respectful towards society and the biosphere, is taking shape, whether at the level of the manager, the investor, the employee or the customer. Taking this course means working for the development of both our companies and their employees, while respecting natural balances. It means thinking differently about the ways of transforming in order to project ourselves into  a sustainable future with sustainable economic models (to discover here).


Environnement, énergie & utilities

Construction, BTP, immobilier, ingénierie

Aéronautique, Espace, Défense


Mobilités & Logistique




Grande consommation



Data / AI

Champs fonctionnels


Gouvernance & pilotage économique

Innovation, R&D, ingénierie

RH, Transformation


Impact, responsabilité & RSE

Ethique & compliance


Nous travaillons uniquement avec des fonds dont les thèses d'investissement en cohérence avec le positionnement d'entreprise à mission de Kéa

Ayant pour cible des structures qui contribuent au développement durable quel que soit leur secteur d'activité

Intervenant sur des projets de croissance soutenable, à des fins de retournements vertueux, de facilitation de projets et trajectoires durables

Intégrant les problématiques de cohésion sociale et de développement durable dans leurs choixparticipations respectant des principes fondamentaux tels que définis par le Global Compact de l'ONU, approche de prise en compte des externalités négatives...


Au-delà de nos convictions propres, nous pensons que l'exigence d'une croissance soutenable répond à un nouvel impératif du marché

Elle est aujourd'hui un levier de la résilience et de la durabilité des entreprises face à des environnements incertains

Elle garantit leur "license to operate" à moyen et long terme - recrutement de talents, facilité de crédit

Elle est une condition sine qua non de leur impact

​Without naivety or presumption, such a transformation into responsibility is an opportunity to build a company better anchored in our century, distinct from the ultra-liberal model and the forms of authoritarian capitalism that are emerging in certain regions of the world. Nothing is more powerful, the saying goes, than an idea whose time has come!

How we support our clients

The portrait of the responsible company, more respectful towards society and the biosphere, is taking shape, whether at the level of the manager, the investor, the employee or the customer. Taking this course means working for the development of both our companies and their employees, while respecting natural balances. It means thinking differently about the ways of transforming in order to project ourselves into  a sustainable future with sustainable economic models (to discover here).

​Without naivety or presumption, such a transformation into responsibility is an opportunity to build a company better anchored in our century, distinct from the ultra-liberal model and the forms of authoritarian capitalism that are emerging in certain regions of the world. Nothing is more powerful, the saying goes, than an idea whose time has come!

How we support our clients

The portrait of the responsible company, more respectful towards society and the biosphere, is taking shape, whether at the level of the manager, the investor, the employee or the customer. Taking this course means working for the development of both our companies and their employees, while respecting natural balances. It means thinking differently about the ways of transforming in order to project ourselves into  a sustainable future with sustainable economic models (to discover here).

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