Books published in bookstores
All the benchmarks of the old world are jostling, and sometimes collapsing... within organizations, a new paradigm is emerging, that of the immaterial. Calling to bring together the philosophical, geopolitical, social or economic aspects, this revolution prefigures a new vision, more global, and meaningful.
This essay on the immaterial revolution proposes to outline a synthesis, by giving tracks to change the public policies, and the management of the companies.

"The intangible, a silent revolution - (re)placing people at the heart of organizations"
Jérôme Julia – May 2020
Inspired by the works of Edgar Morin and of Jean-Christian Fauvet, this book offers an original reading grid to better understand the functioning of the company and the influence of this functioning on its performance. It explores the promising, yet still largely underutilized possibilities of “holistic” organizational development. based on self-organization and autonomy. Trusting men is indeed the most efficient and economical way to overcome the complexity and unpredictability of the environment.
Using numerous cases, the authors show how this development is made possible by the tremendous opportunities generated by the digital revolution and also suggest ways to create conditions conducive to innovation.

"The organizational mix"
Jacques Jochem and Hervé Lefèvre - Editions Eyrolles - September 2014
This book invites you to rediscover your strengths to promote growth and profitability and facilitate the recognition and mobilization collaborators.
To give themselves a quarter of an hour in advance, such is the challenge that the authors launched to nine managers and a professor: their ambition, to make intangibles active in the economy! How can we ensure that this major factor of competitiveness does not remain at the gates of our companies?
What are intangible assets? These are all the nuggets of the company, invisible to the naked eye, unmanaged, unaccounted for and which go far beyond human capital or brand value.
Activating these intangibles is a great source of renewable energy; this allows you to rediscover your strengths in a hyper-competitive world, to develop growth and profitability, to facilitate the recognition and mobilization of employees.
It is to a real managerial and cultural revolution that the authors of the book invite, through concrete examples and illustrations.

"Active Intangibles"
Hervé Baculard and Jérôme Julia, Kea & Partners - Editions of Cherche Midi - June 2011
In this book, business leaders and managers are invited to follow the progress of a game of go to practice the game of analogies between go and professional life.
Understanding the game of go allows the reader to take a fresh look at its practices to...
simply imagine the complexity
see far, stake out and exist everywhere
coexist with opposition forces
create links and build territories of influence
be consistent and consistent in action
in all circumstances, allow for degrees of freedom
develop mental skills of conquest
know how to handle extension strategies like contention strategies
while maintaining ethical behavior
Reading this book does not require prior knowledge of the rules of the game of go. On the contrary, it can become a way of getting started.

"The go player manager"
Jean-Christian Fauvet and Marc Smia :
Organization editions – 2013 reissue
Sociodynamics (movement by people) facilitates the exploration of modes of organization and management that contribute to achieving a high level of efficiency.
This book presents the advantages and disadvantages of the four main types of organization: mechanistic, individualistic, tribal and self-organization . It brings together ideas, methods and practices intended to transform the work of employees into play, this banal and exhilarating activity at the same time where stress, pleasure and performance are closely combined.
A roadmap for leaders who see in people the essential factor in the success of their company
A 10-step itinerary to visit all the concepts of sociodynamics
An orientation table, a fundamental analysis grid, 67 matrices and diagrams, the coat of arms of performance, to draw the silhouette of its current organization and sketch that of tomorrow...

"Sociodynamic impetus"
Jean-Christian Fauvet and Kea & Partners
Organization Editions – 2004 - Preface by Jean-René Fourtou
This book is a French translation-adaptation of the reference work by Richard Barrett, designer of the Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) that we use to measure the cultural coherence of companies. Starting from the principle that a culture carrying positive values generates economic performance, it seems important to us to have such tools.
In fact, they provide leaders with a diagnosis of the health of the positive values in their organizations and reveal the negative values which are all courses of action to improve performance.
At Kea, consultants are trained and authorized to use these tools. This is why we were heavily involved in the development of this book, which Kea sponsored.

"The company inspired by values"
DeBoeck – March 2017
All the benchmarks of the old world are jostling, and sometimes collapsing... within organizations, a new paradigm is emerging, that of the immaterial. Calling to bring together the philosophical, geopolitical, social or economic aspects, this revolution prefigures a new vision, more global, and meaningful.
This essay on the immaterial revolution proposes to outline a synthesis, by giving tracks to change the public policies, and the management of the companies.