Through the exercise of our profession, thanks to our academic research, our work of innovation and our studies, we forge new convictions. Thus, on the subjects of concern of the leaders, we explore courses of action and find angles of attack which we share with you by regularly publishing white papers.
These publications shed light on a sector, a function or a skill. They sometimes come from think tanks bringing together business leaders, in particular the circles Quarter Hours of Advance, organized by Kea.

white papers
Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

This is the first study of the levers of success for fashion brands, co-produced by Kea & Partners and the Institut Français de la Mode for all players in the sector, whatever their nature, market segment or level. of maturity. It is also a collective initiative of the sector to deal with the profound changes in the sector and to think about the post-crisis, coupled with a study of unprecedented scope (more than 300 companies), which identifies 5 growth drivers and the winning models for the 4 strategic segments of the sector.
Learn more : The new economic models of fashion

"The new economic models of fashion"
June 2020
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”… In other words, culture should be understood as one of the company's main resources and not as a strategy adjustment variable. What remains is to understand in practice the links at work between strategy and culture, how they mutually nourish each other. This is the whole purpose of the publication from the circle Quarter Hours Advance Culture & Strategy to respond.
Learn more : Cultural transformation: culture, the hidden treasure of companies

"Culture, hidden treasure of companies"
January 2020

"Responsibility, the challenge of platform companies"
May 2019
At a time when the Pacte law is setting a framework for the purpose and mission of companies, Nuova Vista affirms 10 good reasons to go there, supported by the testimony of 8 committed leaders, including Arnaud Gangloff (Kea & Partners), Pascal Demurger (MAIF), Philippe Loic Jacob (Citeo), Emery Jacquillat (Camif)… A conviction is forged: no, the company with a mission is not a utopia! Pacte engages a transformation in responsibility to build economic models better anchored in the challenges of our century.
Learn more : Company with a mission, 10 good reasons to go there

"Company with a mission, 10 good reasons to go there"
May 2019
Discover the first white paper on the subject, produced by and for the managers of ETI, co-produced by Kea & Partners and Kea Euclyd, for the METI - professional organization bringing together mid-cap companies. A real practical guide based on the feedback of 40 managers and the exclusive stories of 26 of them, this book marks out the 6 key stages of such a business transformation and illustrates the dynamism of mid-sized companies. digital champions.
Learn more : Digital transformation of medium-sized companies: the leader's odyssey

"Digital transformation of medium-sized companies: the manager's odyssey"
March 2019
Environmental constraints, growing Chinese clientele, Internet sales, competition from emerging countries, the need to "market" the sector: in a globalized environment, it is crucial for the wine sector to anticipate the future in order to keep its leading position in our economy and our territories. This is the whole purpose of the Kea & Partners study.
Learn more : And if tomorrow, the wine…? 8 transformations for the French wine sector

"And if tomorrow the wine... ? 8 transformations and breakthroughs for the French sector"
December 2018
The customer experience revolution is reshaping the future of work, with the emergence – beyond measure – of new professions and skills. Kea devotes a white paper to this strategic subject, the result of a collective reflection initiated with the AFRC & Tilt ideas. Designed as a decision-making tool, it is based on feedback from managers and experts, with a focus on the insurance sector which has been greatly impacted by this revolution.
Learn more : 2030: the skills revolution at the heart of the customer experience

"2030: the skills revolution at the heart of the customer experience"
October 2018
The result of a "Quart d'Heure d'Avance" think tank bringing together some twenty operations managers from all sectors, this white paper covers operations in the broad sense - from development to manufacturing, including purchasing and supply chain. Supported by concrete cases and an inventory of 12 emerging technologies, it identifies the underlying strategic issues and the transformations to be initiated.
Learn more : The operations of the future

"Quarter of an Hour: the operations of the future"
July 2018
Increased production rates, impact of global competition, digital transformation… so many factors that are shaking up European aeronautics players. In this context and under the patronage of GIFAS and BDLI, Kea & Partners conducted with h&z, its German partner, a study on the competitiveness of French and German aeronautical suppliers.
After the 2012 and 2013 editions , they analyzed the level of maturity of 140 players on the basis of 29 competitiveness criteria relating to access to markets and customers, the product and service offer, support processes and skills and - new for 2018 - digital transformation.
Learn more : Competitiveness of European aerospace suppliers

"Competitiveness of European aerospace suppliers"
April 2018
This white paper is the fruit of the work of collective reflection of the "Quart d'Heure d'Avance" Stratégie, a circle launched by Kea in the fall of 2016 and which brought together around fifteen business practitioners, occupying or having occupied strategy management functions in different sectors, with the aim of answering the question: “will there be strategy departments by 2025”?
Learn more : Strategy reincarnated

"Quarter of an Hour: Strategy Reincarnated"
November 2017
The objective of this book is to propose a model that allows human resource managers to grasp the question of transformation and change. This requires the HR function to first deal with the contradictions it finds itself confronting, paradoxes exacerbated by the transformational factors affecting a growing number of companies and, in doing so, the social body. Starting from this model, we undertook a qualitative research, in order to qualify the perception of the management of human resources by its stakeholders. The research also reflects their expectations and their vision of the job. The conclusion shows the path that HRDs must take to embark on the path of their own transformation.
Learn more : HR beyond HR, the path to transformation

"HR beyond HR, the path to transformation"
October 2016
This book highlights the challenges facing the banking sector as, for the first time, retail banks in France are experiencing a change in the profitability of their activities. The digital wave plays a catalytic role, while customers become citizen consumers: informed, responsible, in search of meaning and transparency. The role of the adviser, who sees his expertise challenged, the format of the agencies, the mission of the back offices are all reflections undertaken by banks today. But shouldn't we think more globally? How urgent is it to move?
It is indeed the objective of this work to pose the data of the problem and to open the debate through concrete tracks, beginnings of a new model.
Learn more : Bankruptcy

November 2015
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion

Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion
January 2021
In July 2020, the State entrusted the Strategic Committee of the Sector "Fashion and Luxury" a study on the prospects for relocation and support for sustainable fashion. A key player in the Textile sector, Kea & Partners was selected to co-pilot this mission on the benefits and risks of "Made in France" in the face of the underlying trend of "sustainable fashion", a booming market across all market segments.
Learn more : Interministerial Mission Report - Relocation & Sustainable Fashion