Events [Archive]
A sum of themes and encounters that offer so much of courses of action to carry out the transformation of your companies.
Want to know more about our past events ? Do not hesitate to contact us.
Debates between personalities from the economic, political and academic worlds on current topics, thematic conferences with testimonials, discussion circles, work meetings between leaders or even symposiums, debate sessions over 1 to 2 days... the events we organize give the floor to leaders but also to consultants, researchers, philosophers or teachers.
Our 2020 conferences
China market update: Business beyond Covid [webinar] - November 17, 2020
10 months after the start of the pandemic, what's new in China? During this short morning briefing, Kea & Partners and its Chinese partner Fiducia share first-hand information, the latest market news and figures: China, Hong Kong, focus on key B to B and B to C industries. Presentation by Rita MA, Associate Director, FIDUCIA Strategy Advisory, China & Pierre GARGATTE, Client Services Manager, FIDUCIA Management Consultants, Hong Kong. Introduction & moderation by Christine DURROUX, Senior Partner, KEA & PARTNERS, Paris
WFRE20 : the CFO, the next leader in corporate responsibility [e-roundtable] - October 14, 2020
In order to build a desirable economy, the CFO has a central role since the balance between responsibility and profit is well and truly in his hands. Insights at the World Forum for a Responsible Economy between Christine DURROUX, Senior Partners, Kea & Partners and VP "New Growth Models", for Enterprise and Progress ; Antoine LEMARCHAND, Managing Director of Nature and Discoveries ; Maëlyne NHOUYVANISVONG, Finance Manager, Les 2 Vaches Danone and Léa DUNAND-CHATELLET, Analyst-Manager, Head of SRI Division - DNCA Finance.
New Ways of Working, when 2020 accelerates work changes [e-round table] - October 8, 2020
9 months after the start of the Covid-19 health crisis, 3 leaders project themselves into what the company's operating methods will be tomorrow, the workplaces and the new associated means, human relations (links to the company and in business). With testimonials from Piette BARKNI, Change Management Director of ALLIANZ PARTNERS FRANCE; Martine NICOLAS, Managing Director of Social Relations and Innovation at L'OREAL and Marie SALLOIS DEMBREVILLE, Director of Organizational and Sustainable Development for the INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE.
Transformation cycle of operations: e-round table "Manufacturing in responsibility" - September 24, 2020
The Covid crisis is accelerating and amplifying the trends that are impacting production models and leading companies to reinvent them. What are the lessons of the crisis on their agility ? What new models at the service of liability issues ? How to optimize environmental, social and societal impacts ? How to reconcile responsibility and agility while remaining frugal and competitive ? With the testimony of Charlotte FAMY, General Manager France of SAINT-GOBAIN WEBER on the ongoing change.
Brand'gagement, 4th commitment barometer - Paris - 8 September 2020
How has the ability to create meaning and commonality become the key to engaging in sustainable growth? Presentation of the results of Brand'gagement 2020, which measures brand commitment (11 sectors / 41 leading brands). With Claire BOURDON, Marketing Director, BIOCOOP ; Mario FIGUEROA, Director of HR Transformation & Corporate functions, ORANGE ; Jacques-Olivier JONCOUX, CEO, SPHERING Group
Food operations transformation [e-roundtable] - July 8 2020
Operations managers in the food sectors have been the "heroes" of the Covid-19 crisis. Lessons are to be learned. Because the crisis has accentuated all at the same time the questions of agility, responsibility, frugality and cost control. Trades with Gérard CHAMBET, Chief Operating Officer of FLEURY MICHON and Marc RAFFO, Group Supply Chain Director & Transformation Director of the AVRIL Group
Operations transformation cycle: Responsible Purchasing e-roundtable - June 19 2020
The Purchasing function is experiencing a new chapter in its history. How can it contribute to building a more responsible company, having positive effects on its ecosystem ? How can it minimize its environmental, social and environmental impacts and economical ? With the testimony of Philippe CAPOUL, Western Europe Indirect Sourcing Director at L'OREAL, on the development of his profession.
Our 2019 conferences
Managerial Innovation Campus - Cercy - November 23, 2019
The second edition of the Managerial Innovation Campus, organized by the Institute of sociodynamics, is an immersion in a proliferation of initiatives and innovations inspired by sociodynamics, for all those who want to build the management of tomorrow. Through a multitude of conferences, experiential workshops, debates and meetings, you are invited to come and revitalize your managerial practices during a day open to all. Our advice: come as a group and play a team program!
Learn more : The biggest event dedicated to Managerial Innovation!
(Il)limited liability company? New commitments for a better balance - Lyon - November 15, 2019
The 18th edition of the Entretiens de Valpré is placed under the sign of responsibility, a project likely to mobilize us all. On November 15 and 16 in Lyon, many personalities and leaders will follow one another to promote inspiration, exchange and experience on the key issues of the economy, business and society at the time of driving. a transformation into responsibility, an area in which Kea & Partners has been committed for a long time. On this occasion, come and discover the results of our survey !
Learn more: The new fields corporate responsibility
The Agrifood Meetings - Paris - November 13, 2019
How should the food industry capture the attention and retain new consumers? How should it adapt its product and service offer to attract and satisfy them? To understand everything about consumer 4.0, come and attend discussions around a panel of exceptional leaders, led by HEC Alumni, Kea & Partners and Efeso Consulting.
Strategy at the service of culture - Paris - April 18, 2019
"Culture eats strategy for breakfast": this quote, attributed to Peter Drucker, invites us to understand culture as an essential corporate resource. A resource to be worked on so that it resonates with the strategy. A resource whose vitality and consistency can be measured. This is the whole point of this conference, with the participation of Olivier Colleau, Executive President of Kiloutou and Martin Serralta, Director of Development of the Institute of Desirable Futures. With the introduction of the results of the 7th Kea Valeurs des Français barometer.
Learn more : Transformation cultural : culture, hidden corporate treasure
Industry 4.0: Are you ready? - Lyons - 3 April 2019
Here we are engaged in the 4th industrial revolution, that of digital intelligence and the profusion of technologies.
At a time when large groups are embarking on the race, it is no longer a question of anticipating: this revolution must be on the agenda of company management. With testimonials from Hugues OGER, Vice President Industrial Operations of Groupe Seb and Vincent HINGOT, Senior Vice President Global Industrial Operations of Sanofi Pasteur who will react to 3 of our biases from our latest publication Quarter Hour Advance "The Operations of the Future".
Learn more : The operations from the future
Luxury reinvented by its customers - Paris - March 26 2019
After three decades of exponential growth, the sector must expect radical transformations in its markets. In 10 years, by 2030, what upheavals will transform the relationship of customers to brands and products and their experience in general?
Christine Durroux will dialogue with 3 experts around China, data and tech to anticipate together their impact on luxury and its customers.
Learn more: What luxury tomorrow ? Key ideas for anticipating changes in the sector
Brand'gagement barometer - Paris- 21 February 2019
Tilt ideas and Epsy asked the French about the nature of their commitment to brands as consumers [Which brands do they consider to have positive impacts? What is the specificity of their customer experience?] and as employees [What are their expectations of the employer brand of large French companies?]. The 21 next February, Philippe Christau from Epsy and Antoine Mahy from Tilt ideas decipher the results of the barometer and specify the areas of commitment that are to be worked on by the brands.
Our 2018 conferences
What if we gave ourselves every chance of successfully transforming our businesses? - Lyon - December 13 2018
Interactive conference with Matthieu Sinclair, psycho-illusionist. It teaches us to take an offbeat look at the transformation of companies and the human factor, by making the link between emotion, desire and success of the transformation.
Luxury reinvented by people & culture - Paris - 5 December 2018
Yes luxury brands reign supreme over our imagination, in the background of their prestige and the emblematic figure of the creator, organizational and management methods are taking shape which have fallen behind compared to other sectors. At the risk of moving away from the rising generation which aspires to more meaning in their professional life and more autonomy in more responsible companies.
Jessica Franck and Arnaud Gangloff will dialogue with Sébastien Missoffe, Managing Director of Google France on the challenges of governance / organization / culture triptych in the luxury industry
Learn more : What luxury tomorrow ? Key ideas for anticipating changes in the sector
B2B: the new paths of customer centricity - Paris - 13 November 2018
If, like other sectors, the BtoB industrial world has been encouraged to reinvent its model and its customer relationship, the investments of recent years have had disparate results, to say the least. A question then arises: how to move from strategic intention to reality?
Learn more.
The skills revolution at the heart customer experience ? - Paris - 11 October 2018
The customer experience revolution is reshaping the future of work around a major challenge: moving from jobs to skills. With, implicitly, the imperious need to imagine the new skills of employees at the service of customers.
The morning of October 11 will be an opportunity to reveal the results of the working group initiated with Kea & Partners and Tilt ideas of the Kea Group, with many enriching testimonials - AG2R / COVEA / EDF / LA POSTE GROUP / MAIF / NESPRESSO / RANDSTAD / TER / TRANSDEV.
Learn more : 2030 : the skills revolution at the heart of the customer experience
New Playgrounds & Alliance Strategies: Meet a Precursor - Lyons - 5 October 2018
Serge Papin, Chairman and CEO of Système U from 2005 to May 2018 and pioneer in his sector, will share his experience on the many challenges that companies must meet to imagine their new growth levers.
Learn more
TEDxDantonSt 1st edition "Imaginations" - Paris September 18, 2018
This first edition, organized in Ampli , the Kea Group's co-creation space, was an opportunity to meet eight personalities who challenge on innovation : Are innovators crazy? What is a Creator? Can we innovate in traditional industries? Digital, asset or pitfall of innovation? Paris, incubator of urban trends?… So many questions raised throughout the morning.
Find all the interventions in video : Let's reinvent innovation by awakening imaginations
What future for corporate strategy? - Lyons - July 6 2018
What happens to business strategy? Who is responsible for it ?
After a presentation of the publication "Strategy reincarnated" by its authors, Christine DURROUX and Jérôme JULIA, Senior Partners at Kea & Partners, we will benefit from the testimonies of
> Pierre-Etienne FRANC, Director of the global Hydrogen Energy business, AIR LIQUIDE
> Didier BRANELLEC, Vice-President Strategy, Animal Health, BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM
Learn more : The strategy reincarnated
Three inspiring digital stories - Paris - 26 June 2018
JCDecaux, Groupe Manutan International, Groupe Seb: yesterday in a logic of traditional economy, these three companies are today players in the digital economy.
through a discussion moderated by David Abiker, journalist and columnist, with
> Albert ASSÉRAF, Managing Director Strategy, Data and new uses of JCDecaux,
> Pierre-Olivier BRIAL, Deputy Managing Director of MANUTAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP and
> Guillaume PLANET, Vice President Media & Global Digital Marketing of GROUPE SEB
Report : Digital : 3 leaders tell the story of the changeover of their company
Luxury reinvented by responsibility - Paris - June 19, 2018
At a time when companies are challenged on their responsibility for the future of the world, the luxury sector must play its part. More than an obligation, it's a great opportunity for reinvention.
Jessica Franck and Benoit Gajdos will dialogue with Andrea d'Avack, President of Chanel Foundation & Global Head of Corporate Responsibility, on the challenges of responsibility in the luxury sector.
Artificial intelligence and the future of work: how to prepare for the war of skills ? - Berlin - June 15 2018
Jérôme JULIA and Marc SMIA from Kea & Partners take part in the Cercle des DRH Européens and invite François-Régis de GUENYVEAU, author of the book "un dissident" to project ourselves into a future transformed by AI and robots.
Mass consumption, retail and luxury: the time of alliances - Paris - March 27 2018
> Florent Courau, Managing Director France of JD.com, first online/offline retailer in China, partner of Walmart and Tencent and precursor of digital alliances in luxury
> Hubert Garaud, President of Terrena, the first multi-purpose cooperative in France, precursor of alliances and collective brands between cooperatives. Initiator of New Agriculture
> Serge Papin, Chairman and CEO of Système U and precursor of buying and selling alliances, national and local
Learn more : Mass consumption, retail and luxury: the time from wedding rings !
Brand retailing - Paris - February 6 2018
At a time when L'Oréal Paris is opening boutiques, Barilla restaurants, K-Way a flagship, what are the key issues in creating points of sale for your brands? How can retail become a major development axis for brands? What business and image benefits to expect? How to properly define your concept and what are the pitfalls to avoid? What is the winning economic equation? Organized in partnership with Lonsdale AKDV, the conference will bring the cross-sectional perspective of the consultant and the designer, as well as the testimony of Delphine LEBLANC, Western Europe Retail Director of L'Oréal.
Brand'engagement Barometer 2017 - Paris- January 23 2018
Tilt ideas and Epsy asked the French about the nature of their commitment to brands as consumers [Which brands do they consider to have positive impacts? What is the specificity of their customer experience?] and as employees [What are their expectations of the employer brand of large French companies?]. On January 23, Philippe Christau from EPSY, Patrick Longuechaud from Kea & Partners and Antoine Mahy from Tilt Ideas decipher the results of the barometer and specify the areas of commitment that are to be worked on by the brands.
Our 2017 conferences
The Lyon office is celebrating its 2nd anniversary! - Lyons - 20 December 2017
On December 20, the Lyon office blew his 2nd candle ! On this occasion, we invited to play Go and to discover its astonishing analogies with management, under the leadership of Marc Smia, Senior Vice President of Kea & Partners, and Guillaume Bouvier, Director of the Lyon office.
Managerial Innovation Campus - on the ESSEC Campus in Cergy Pontoise - November 25 2017
The biggest event ever organized in France on managerial innovation : 70 program hours / a hundred high-level speakers / 1 500 people expected.
This event is organized by the Institute of Sociodynamics under the leadership of Kea & Partners, with the support of many sponsors and members.
Kea's commitment to it is strong, with statements nourished by 16 years of innovation : why and how to manage by values, the necessary development of autonomy and, as a corollary, another idea of authority, the contributions of the game of go to management or even the questions posed by transhumanism to companies.
"9 billion inhabitants in 2050: what place for French agrifood?" - Paris - 26 September 2017
Debate organized by HEC Agroalimentaire, in partnership with Efeso Consulting and Kea & Partners - Opening of Bruno PARMENTIER, Economist and Farmer and closing of Lionel ZINSOU, President of TERRA NOVA and Co-President of AfricaFrance
ROUND TABLE # Raw materials: what upstream structuring for sustainable development? with Thierry BLANDINIERES, Managing Director of IN VIVO, Hans JOEHR, Corporate Head of Agriculture of NESTLE, Philippe PINTA, President of UNIGRAINS, and Michel PORTIER, Managing Director and Founder of AGRITEL
ROUND TABLE #2 World market: how to export French agri-food products and know-how to feed the planet? with Antoine FIEVET, CEO of GROUPE BEL, Adeline LESCANNE-GAUTIER, Managing Director of NUTRISET, Ludovic SPIERS, Managing Director of AGRIAL, and Maxime VANDONI, Managing Director of TERRENA
"HRD, Transformation is your subject!" - Lyons - September 15 2017
Come and discover the model of the "HRD TRANSFORMER", or the 4 major roles of a HRD engaged in the transformation of his company, as well as the feedback from:
Jérémy MAILLY, HRD of the MOM group (Materne - Mont Blanc) and Garlone VIOLLE, People and HR Performance Director of the SERVIER Group
"The future of your business has a future: more than agile, become alert!" - Paris - 21st of June 2017
Based on Jean STAUNE's vision of the future, Philosopher of Science, Prospectivist, Secretary General of the Interdisciplinary University of Paris and author of the book "The keys to the future" and of the alert company model developed by Kea and presented by Stéphanie NADJARIAN, Senior Partner, and Olivier MOUTON, Director
Learn more : The company alert: endangered species [La Review 22]
"Food bashing? The industry winning back public opinion !" - Paris - 2O June 2017 / POSTPONED TO FALL 2017
The entire food industry is concerned. The HEC Retail and Consumer Goods Clubs are launching the debate. It will be introduced by Marc SMIA, Senior Vice President at Kea & Partners, and moderated by Anaïs DENOITS, around testimonials from:
Gérard BOIVIN, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of UNIBEL, professor holder of the Quality and Food Safety Chair at the CNAM / David GARBOUS, Strategic Marketing Director of FLEURY MICHON / Christophe GUILLON, Managing Director of REACH YOUR GOAL, former Director of Operations of Findus Southern Europe / Bertrand SWIDERSKI, Sustainable Development Director of the CARREFOUR GROUP
"Intangible: French companies have talent" - Paris - June 9 2017
France is at the forefront in the field of intangible assets. However, decision makers still lack benchmarks and tools to activate their immaterial resources.
The key questions they have to deal with fall under Strategy: how to put the intangible at the heart of decision-making ? / Organization and professions: how to create the conditions for innovation and creativity? / Leader's story : how to tell his business?
This conference, organized in collaboration with the Observatoire de l'immatériel will involve André GORIUS, Intellectual Assets Valorization Director of the SOLVAY Group, Emery JACQUILLAT, Chairman and CEO of CAMIF MATELSOM, and Alain PROST, former Chairman and CEO of MAISON LEJABY and LA PERLA.
"2017: what the French expect" - Paris - May 5 2017
The news in France and abroad questions us all: where are we going as a society? Why do we feel as a Nation a feeling of loss of bearings? Are we still able to live together with our differences?
Based on the Kea / Barrett Values Center barometer, a survey conducted in France for 5 years, the Observatoire des Valeurs and Kea & Partners invite you to share reasons for optimism and to question us, together, on the means to act sustainably based on values, a powerful performance lever for companies and organizations.
Learn more : the Barometer Values of the French [Survey]
"Meeting François Jullien" - Paris - March 21st 2017
Philosopher, François Jullien made the detour to China to better understand our Western culture. Without opposing them, he puts aside two modes of thought: the Chinese sage versus the Greek hero. Since the publication in the 1980s of his treatise on efficiency, his academic work has opened up gateways to the business world. Discover his book "There is no cultural identity" and make the connection with the cultural transformation of your business.
"The digital transition in consumer goods and BtoB and BtoC services : how to meet the new challenges ?" - Lyons - 3 February 2017
Come and discuss questions of strategy and organization around the testimonies of:
Jacques-Édouard CHARRET, Deputy Managing Director of TOUPARGEL and Bernard PERREAU, Former CEO of the FEU VERT group
Retail : how to reinvent the value chain and the customer journey? - Paris - January 24 2017
Come and discuss innovation in retail with those who do it:
Olivier BINET, Managing Director of INPOST, Florence CHAFFIOTTE, Marketing Director of MONOPRIX, Dan GOMPLEWICZ and David BARANES, Co-founders of ARMIS, Philippe de MAREILHAC, Deputy Managing Director of Group Creative Team & CEO of Market Value
Banking: how traditional banks and new entrants are preparing for tomorrow ? - Paris - January 24 2017
Come and discover the results of the annual KEA / OPINIONWAY barometer and debate with five key witnesses:
Souad BENBACHIR, Managing Director of CFG Group, Laurent COLLET, Distribution Marketing Director of Caisse d'Epargne IdF, Olivier GOY, Chairman and Founder of Lendix, Anne LEBEL, HRD of the Natixis Group, Marie-Cécile PLESSIX, General Manager of Credit, Banking and Banking Savings of AXA Banque.
Our conferences 2016-15
Agile, more responsive, more innovative, more effective marketing - Paris - 6 December 2016
How marketing and digital departments are reinventing the development of service offers ?
around the testimonies of Solenne PASQUALETTI, Digital Director, BOUYGUES TELECOM, Simone SAMPIERI, Mail Marketing Director, LA POSTE and Catherine SPINDLER, Marketing Director, VENTE-PRIVEE.COM
Food e-commerce: what innovations for agrifood players - Orleans - November 17 2016 Open Agrifood Symposium
Panorama of global food e-commerce and the signals that herald the rise of the latter in France.
With the testimonials of Olivier Binet, Managing Director France of InPost, of Christophe Desgens, Chairman of CHRONOPOSTFOOD (LA POSTE group) and of Christophe Menoret, Short circuit manager of Cavac-Terre de Viande
Reinventing your business model internationally - Paris - November 16 2016
Retail: the domestic market is Out of order. The international is a solution to break the impasse.
Perspectives on issues and feedback on development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
With the testimony of Emmanuel DEROUDE, Chairman and CEO of TATI, of Xavier DESJOBERT, General Manager Retail of CAD/CAM and Romain GUINIER, Chairman and CEO of AIGLE
Procurement 4.0 - Paris - November 8 2016
Procurement 4.0: The advent of the 4th industrial revolution and its impact on purchasing
Presentation of the survey conducted in Europe and Asia with purchasing departments
With testimonials from Cécile Darrigade, Vice President Information Technology & Solutions Europe and Corporate Functions of SANOFI and Eric Scheid, Trading Purchasing Director of DANONE DAIRY EUROPE
HR beyond HR: the path to transformation - Paris - October 5 2016
On the occasion of the publication of "HR beyond HR", come and discover the model of the "transforming HRD" and its 4 major roles
As a HRD, a key player in transformation, how do you position your added value and invest in the fields of action necessary for the company's (r)evolutions?
With testimonials from Roland Karsenty, HRD Operations Europe of Johnson Controls, Armelle Saint Raymond, HRD of Petit Bateau and Garlone Violle, Director of HR Development of the Servier group
Learn more : HR beyond HR : the path of transformation
Build the relational signature that marks your difference - Lyon - 23 September 2016
Meeting with Eric Campos, Managing Director of Caisse Régionale de Crédit Agricole, Erik Pérey, co-founder of Luxury Attitude, and Guillaume Bouvier, Director of Kea & Partners Lyon
How a laboratory operation (the Kea method) on a cluster of agencies made it possible to reveal talents, to invent the Caisse Agricole Sud-Rhône-Alpes customer relationship model and to obtain results far beyond expectations and in record time.
The operations of the future: how to anticipate and take advantage of the 4th industrial revolution - Paris - July 6, 2016
Answers thanks to Jean Staune and his vision of the future and a visit to the Usine IO FabLab and its modern technologies.
Are you Digital Ready? - Paris - June 15 2016
Debate organized at the Innovation Factory during the Open Day of June 15, from 6 p.m. to 19h
Around the survey carried out with OpinionWay - Decryption of some received ideas undermined by the survey
E-commerce: what new opportunities for agrifood players? - Paris - June 1, 2016
Meeting with Yannick Migotto, Consumer Goods Director of AMAZON.FR, Christophe Desgens, President of CHRONOPOSTFOOD and Cécile Béliot-Zind, Managing Director France and Benelux of DANONE EAUX FRANCE
What cooperation models should be invented between players in the food industry and new distribution partners such as Amazon.fr and Chronopostfood?
Smart Data, Internet of Things: innovation and growth for insurers - Paris - May 18, 2016
Smart Data and Internet of Things (IoT) are sources of innovation and growth for insurers. The conference of May 18 offers you testimonies, concrete cases, perspectives through the interventions of:
> Philip February, CEO of Veltys
> Florence Picard, Actuary, head of the Big Data group of the Institute of Actuaries
> Giacomo Lovati, CEO of Unipol Sai / AlfaEvolution Technology
Transformation of the banking sector: Restitution of the Kea / OpinionWay annual barometer - Paris - November 24, 2015
Transformation or rupture: What do the main stakeholders think?
Thierry GUERRIER, political journalist, leads the debate with 6 leaders :
Daniel BAAL, Managing Director of CREDIT MUTUEL Ile-de-France and Deputy Managing Director of CIC - Isabelle CHEVELARD, Banking Sector Manager - Alain Cloth, Business Angel and President of FranceFintech - Hugh LE BRIT, Founder of ACCOUNT NICKEL - Benoit LEGRAND, Head of FinTechs, ING Group & President of ING France - Philippe AUTHER, Head of the Banking sector, Kea & Partners
Learn more : Bankruptcy
Vitality of French agri-food: creation and development - Paris - November 24, 2015
As part of the 2nd HEC Agroalimentaire meetings, Kea&Partners and Solving Efeso are hosting two round tables with leading figures from the sector:
- "From start-ups to intrapreneurship : the nuggets and stars of tomorrow"
- "Changes in the business models of French champions for new growth"
The conclusion will be made by Jean-Louis BEFFA, Honorary Chairman of Saint-Gobain on the topic:
- "The keys to international success for the French food industry
How to differentiate yourself and take a quarter of an hour ahead - Paris - November 3, 2015
Choose differentiation over competitive pursuit.
Four leaders talk about how they develop their potential for differentiation:
Agnès PANNIER RUNACHER, Deputy Managing Director, COMPAGNIE DES ALPES - Louis DREYFUS, Chairman of the Management Board, LE MONDE Group - Alain RESPLANDY-BERNARD, Deputy Managing Director, PMU - Guillaume DARRASSE, Deputy Managing Director, SYSTEME U
Digital mutation, phase 2: two possible paths - Paris - October 9, 2015
All companies in the consumer goods and BtoB and BtoC services sectors have initiated their digital transformation – well, almost! TWO THESES CONFLICT TODAY: 1) After the catch-up phase, a continuous adjustment remains necessary ; 2) Value capture by GAFAs and new players will accelerate and changes in business models are on the agenda.
With testimonials from Sylvain RABUEL, Managing Director France Benelux Switzerland & New Europe-Africa Markets of CLUB MED, Luc GAUDEMARD, Managing Director Europe of GROUPE SEB and Pierre-Olivier BRIAL, Managing Director of MANUTAN.
Meeting with François Jullien - From being to living, Euro-Chinese lexicon of thought - Paris-30 June
Come and discover his latest book in which, through 20 concepts, he puts aside two modes of thought: it makes the detour via China to better understand our Western culture. This meeting will also to discuss the bridges we are building between him and the company and the resources he brings to us to imagine new action strategies.
6th National Intangible Assets Day - Daring the immaterial to develop - Paris - June 16
Take part in this day led by Jérôme Julia, Director at Kea & Partners, and organized by the Immaterial Observatory , in partnership with The Directorate General for Enterprises -
5th edition of the “Intrapreneurship Conference , London - 27 - May 29, 2015
With the testimony of Carine SIT, Kea & Partners, who led a workshop on the theme of the agility of organizations and presented the KeaFab, our internal innovation mechanism : http://www.intrapreneurshipconference.com/
WICI Europe conference: "International policy Europe: Intangibles, the European state of the Art" - May 6, 2015
"We have entered a new era, that of the immaterial" - Speech by Jérôme Julia, President of the Observatoire de l'Immatériel and Director at Kea & Partners.
The banks at a time of great maneuvers - April 9, 2015
Feedback on major transformation programs in the banking sector. Debate led by Stéphane Blard, Senior Partner at Kea & Partners, with the testimonies of Hervé GOUËZEL, Program Director Simple & Efficient at BNP PARIBAS and Jean-Paul MAZOYER, IT and Industrial Director, CREDIT AGRICOLE SA Group
PCD Congress 2015 (Packaging of Perfume Cosmetics & Design) - February 4 and 5, 2015
Speech by Stéphane Dalla Libera, Senior Partner at Kea & Partners, on the theme: Successful innovation: a matter of Win-Win collaboration! http://www.pcd-congress.com/fr/conferences-programme.php
The HRD of transformation 2: Unleash the energy of your employees for better performance - 21 January 2015
How to create the conditions for employee engagement? What are the levers of action of the CEO and the HRD to develop this commitment?
With testimonials from Hubert AUBRY, Managing Director, and Alain PARE, Human Resources Director GEMO - ERAM Group
For more information, contact us.